Getting Started

This page will help you get started with Basebuild Angular. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Description - What is this?

Build tool for AngularJS projects as a node module to be reusable and able to update in the way "write once, use everywhere".


sudo npm install basebuild-angular --save --save-exact


In your gulpfile you can declare the options which you want to use or modify in basesebuild. To start you only need to require basebuild-angular passing the options as parameter.

// Basic options
// =========================
var options = {
  mainAngularModule : 'BaseBuildSample'

// Base build modules
// ==========================
options.modulesData = {
  proxy: {
    target: 'http://docker:49000'

// Init basebuild
// ==========================

Now when you run some valid gulp task, basebuild will run it with your options